Review: Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem

Gun, with Occasional Music
It’s easy to be a hero when you’re saving the entire world or galaxy or species. Which is why the hard-boiled detectives are the most heroic characters out there. They’re not out to ram the bad guy’s spaceship. More likely, they’re trying to find justice for a murdered little nobody, or get an intensely offensive (but innocent) man out of jail.

This dogged deathgrip on principle directs the actions of private detective Conrad Metcalfe in a bizarre future world populated by talking animals, drugs for all, and the most authoritative state I’ve ever come across. It’s dark, funny, fast-paced, clever, and chilling.

Recommendation: Buy it new and place it in a prominent place. I’ve got it on a shelf right over my desk.

2 thoughts on “Review: Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem

  1. I have read this book and it is really good and fun action novel. You are right you need to keep this near because when I was reading it I could not stop and when I stop reading it its on my mind always.

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