The Humans is an excellent dark comedy that sticks an alien, who hates humans, in a human mathematician’s body, and gives it several assassinations to carry out. Advanced math is unexpectedly involved.
The alien experiences the wretchedness and wonderfulness of humanity mostly via the mathematician’s family, who have no idea that their husband and father is now an immortal, nearly omniscient, and very lethal alien with murder on his mind. Hilarity ensues.
Recommendation: Absolutely read this. The first half is the best and funniest part, but the remainder is still fun, even if a little more predictable.
Thank you for your honest reviews. I find them to be spot on. You have shown me good books I wouldn’t have known about and helped me pass on dogs.
Thanks for the review! I’m adding it to my list…..
Ah, one of my favorites. Beautiful, well written and funny book.